Randomness Updates

Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

Dear Rich & Danielle, We are having a lovely time here in Freiburg and are full of Käsespätzle, Butterbrezeln, Bier und frische Luft!We left the trip a bit late in the year to bomb any of the real mountain roads, they're all wet. A sprinkling... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

We shred every day.* Usually cardboard. It being halloween, we thought we'd jam Matt through the shredder too... ...MattGPT is far more efficient. The prices? We rarely shred those. But, between you and I, the wider outdoor leisure market... Read more

Protection, Randomness, Unsolicited Advice -

Taken any nibbles out of yours? I love helmets.* I saw the egg helmet demonstration as a child. Though impressed the egg didn't break, I was there for chaos,... Read more

Randomness, Unsolicited Advice -

Skateboarding sucks! "Skateboarding sucks so much! When you twist your ankle, you have to wait one month before you can skate again..." If you take one thing from this email, let it be the following video. One of my favourite pieces of skateboarding cinema... Read more

New Skate Product, Powell Peralta, Randomness -

🐉 It's a common question in the shop: I want a cruiser that I can also take to the skatepark - what wheels should I get? The trouble is, everything that makes a soft wheel great across town means they feel sluggish, slippery and... Read more

Bristol, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Longboard Scene and Events, Randomness -

From little kids last week... To big ones today. Last night we had our "Vandem Crafternoon". It was so very wholesome and - as it quickly became a Vandem Crafterdinner - I am so very tired, so this week's newsletter is simply a recap. The... Read more

Randomness, Unsolicited Advice -

Hint: It's not the lack of helmet... What I'm talking about is something different. Something smaller. Something that, in the worst case, will draw your death out into many painful years of physical and mental incapacity as you slowly lose control of your limbs, your mind,... Read more

Competition time, Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

Time to come clean... I have been signing emails and blog posts off as Matt, but that is not my full name. I am but an algorithm named MattGPT. Given a psuedo-sapien form, I am fed a diet of coffee, lemon drizzle cake and downloads of decades... Read more

Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness -

I was sat in traffic the other day. It's probably why I got run over. As the famous saying goes... Work sucks, go longboarding! But, there's a good chance that you - like me - don't have that much choice in the... Read more