Randomness Updates

Randomness -

What's your job title? I've had many. After compiling the 50 images above, though, I wonder if Chief Barrel Scraper could be the most appropriate. All those ideas. What a... Read more

Randomness -

Hopefully your shopping's done... ...because we're not shipping anything out now until we're back on the 2nd January. And I can't conceive of anyone wanting anything other than pure skate goodies! Read more

Randomness -

The tree's up... The lights are on, and I can really no longer argue that it's too early for shops to be blasting Christmas music. It is a special time of year, though, and guilt-free hot chocolates and back-to-back films are not only acceptable, they're... Read more

Randomness -

Who's there? Noah. Noah who? Noahny good festive crafts for the skater in my life? Why yes I do, please step inside...

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Competition time, Cult Wheels, Orangatang Wheels, Pantheon Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

How tall is the stack of wheels? No really, how tall? Email me. Closest answer before next weeks email wins a Christmassy package... But what's special about them? For me, a longboard always had 70mm wheels. It just seemed to... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

Dear Rich & Danielle, We are having a lovely time here in Freiburg and are full of Käsespätzle, Butterbrezeln, Bier und frische Luft!We left the trip a bit late in the year to bomb any of the real mountain roads, they're all wet. A sprinkling... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

We shred every day.* Usually cardboard. It being halloween, we thought we'd jam Matt through the shredder too... ...MattGPT is far more efficient. The prices? We rarely shred those. But, between you and I, the wider outdoor leisure market... Read more

Protection, Randomness, Unsolicited Advice -

Taken any nibbles out of yours? I love helmets.* I saw the egg helmet demonstration as a child. Though impressed the egg didn't break, I was there for chaos,... Read more

Randomness, Unsolicited Advice -

Skateboarding sucks! "Skateboarding sucks so much! When you twist your ankle, you have to wait one month before you can skate again..." If you take one thing from this email, let it be the following video. One of my favourite pieces of skateboarding cinema... Read more