Landyachtz Updates

Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Santa Cruz -

Sometimes before settling down to write the newsletter, I Google the topic. Just to see what's about. And that's how I wasted 90 seconds of my life reading "How To Be A Skate Dad" on... Read more

Carver, Landyachtz, Lush Longboards, New Skate Product, Randomness -

It's the answer to many questions since our surfskate/longboard epiphany a few weeks back. Lower in ride height than the other surfskate trucks - less tippy, allowing full function from the tail. ... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, New Skate Product -

It's a good time to remind you That we offer a 10% discount code to anyone who can find a typo or some false information on the website. Because I've just spent a week smashing my keyboard to list the whole new Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Sale, Timber Boards -

Apologies... To anyone who had to wait an extra day for their order this week. Whilst the shop survived the flooding unscathed, local schools being shut meant that daddy daycare briefly took precedence over shipping. But every cloud has a silver lining, and... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

We shred every day.* Usually cardboard. It being halloween, we thought we'd jam Matt through the shredder too... ...MattGPT is far more efficient. The prices? We rarely shred those. But, between you and I, the wider outdoor leisure market... Read more

Bristol, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events -

Thanks, champs From the phone ringing all week in anticipation, Through train delays, no bacon sarnies and extreme heat, A hundred or more stoked, smiling faces in a park in Bath, And somehow even more of that, 16 miles later in Bristol. Thank you. ... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol, Cult Wheels, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events, Lush Longboards, Orangatang Wheels, Sabre Trucks, Santa Cruz -

*Grabbing of Danielle or Matt will not be tolerated What's more exciting? The fact that you could be the proud new owner of all of this skate gear for a mere charitable donation by way of raffle tickets... Or the prospect of skating with... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz -

But seriously... Danielle is female. And can you believe it, this is the first time we've had one of those working in the shop. That's a positive change for a plethora of reasons, but it's not why we she's joined the team. That's more because... Read more

Landyachtz, New Skate Product -

There's this bloke called Tom who runs this company called Landyachtz Longboards. He designs product, skates when he wants, and has all the coffee he needs in his office. He's come a long way from his days of being a Canadian lumberjack... He was a smart feller.... Read more