Hackbrett longboards Updates

Hackbrett longboards, Randomness, Surfskate, YOW -

"It's good, it's good, yes?" ...the clapped out Renault Clio we were being offered didn't look anything like the 4x4 we'd paid to rent. The Škoda we settled for was far from 4WD, but the... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

"Nobody is building boards this good" ...An easy claim, I thought to myself. I was fresh-faced, barely 17, and fresh off the bus in Freiburg. And these Hackbrett people, they seemed kinda kooky. Hack was driving an orange soft-top Suzuki Samurai adorned with Jägermeister... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

Dear Rich & Danielle, We are having a lovely time here in Freiburg and are full of Käsespätzle, Butterbrezeln, Bier und frische Luft!We left the trip a bit late in the year to bomb any of the real mountain roads, they're all wet. A sprinkling... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Sale -

Who says scooters are bad? Ok, a few people who've been swiped out by one in the skatepark might say that. But this weeks email was inspired by all those lesser toys - scooters, balance bikes, penny boards... As we've been inundated with parents in... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, New Skate Product -

  I touched on this a few weeks back after dressing up as a robot, but really it deserves it's own post. We love new stock arriving... but it is not all equal. One brand stands head and shoulders above the rest:... Read more

Competition time, Hackbrett longboards, Randomness -

Time to come clean... I have been signing emails and blog posts off as Matt, but that is not my full name. I am but an algorithm named MattGPT. Given a psuedo-sapien form, I am fed a diet of coffee, lemon drizzle cake and downloads of decades... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, New Skate Product -

Precision noun The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. LONGBOARD Product, especially trucks, designed to the highest level of accuracy, guaranteeing smoother turns, more stability and dopamine of previously unattainable levels.   And it's not only the dopamine that's more attainable... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Hackbrett longboards, New Skate Product -

We've just taken delivery some more Hackbrett decks!We now have:Das Schnelle downhill/Freeride deck. This is a super-fun DH board with a kicktail, some real nice 3D concave, and loads of other features like flat truck seats and CNC details. The 2018 version is a little bit narrower than last year's which makes... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Loaded Longboards, Longboard Reviews, Lush Longboards -

Like all forms of longboarding, longboard dancing has been evolving steadily over the last few years. Inevitably, more complex tricks and combinations have increased the need for specialised decks to dance on. There's now a huge selection of longboard dancing decks out there, but we've picked two of the... Read more