Loaded Longboards Updates

Carver Trucks, Loaded Longboards, Seismic, Surfskate -

Did you guess it? Loaded Longboards - no brand has spent more time at the top of the Vandem list of most expensive products. The past year or two they've had competition -... Read more

Carver Trucks, Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events, New Skate Product, Orangatang Wheels, Surfskate -

To level with you here I'm still somewhat reluctant to truly embrace the surfskate. But Bristol - home of Lush Longboards, harbour of longboard girls, haven of hardy down-hillers - has fallen... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Carver, Cult Wheels, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events, Lush Longboards, Okozo, Orangatang Wheels, Pantheon Longboards, Sabre Trucks, Santa Cruz -

What are you most excited about? The satisfaction of being part of raising thousands of pounds for a good cause? Or simply getting your hands on one of the insane raffle prizes? For me... Read more

Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events, New Skate Product, Orangatang Wheels -

As a certified beefcake It is a rare day that I talk about beefcakes other than myself. Orangatang Wheels have left me no choice, however, so I set my ego aside, conjured some deep animal... Read more

Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Santa Cruz -

Sometimes before settling down to write the newsletter, I Google the topic. Just to see what's about. And that's how I wasted 90 seconds of my life reading "How To Be A Skate Dad" on... Read more

Loaded Longboards, Longboard Scene and Events, New Skate Product -

Remember 2010? A simpler time. A time when fun was coveted above all else, and one brand stood head and shoulders above the rest in capturing the imagination of riders the world over. That... Read more

Loaded Longboards, New Skate Product -

It's always a good day When a new shape from Loaded Longboards arrives in the shop! Hot on the tails of the 21st Anniversary Vanguard (just one left!) we've got another... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, Sale, Timber Boards -

Apologies... To anyone who had to wait an extra day for their order this week. Whilst the shop survived the flooding unscathed, local schools being shut meant that daddy daycare briefly took precedence over shipping. But every cloud has a silver lining, and... Read more

Loaded Longboards -

  If Loaded Longboards were human... ...they could now drink beer in America. If they were British, they'd already be 5+ years deep into a binge... but that's another story, hey, Lush Longboards est. 1999? Point is, Loaded Longboards have been here since the... Read more