, lush-longboards-freebyrd-woodgrain -

It's genuinely difficult to say how impressed we were with our first visit to Vandem. We (my young son and I) were treated with such respect, patience and warmth.
Whilst we knew very little, the advice and help was never patronizing, indeed it was almost as if we were made to feel part of the brotherhood of longboarders and welcomed into the fold! What really blew me away was that upon telephoning a day later to enquire about another board for my (other) son I was told that a certain product that I had (already) purchased was now cheaper and they insisted on crediting the difference. This was without me knowing this or asking!
I have bought huge amounts of kit over the years and this has been the best experience by far.
'Support your local (specialist) shop' has perhaps become a bit of a cliche but I now would not dream of using anyone else for what has already become a wonderful new sport for our whole family.
Thank you Vandem and see you all soon!

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