Arbor Longboards, Carver Trucks, Landyachtz, Longboard Reviews, Surfskate -

Surfskate Truck Review: Carver C7 vs Carver CX vs Landyachtz

To be brutally honest...

I wasn't feeling that inspired by the growing surfskate trend in the UK and Europe.

My longboard goes great, I can smang my cruiser around town, what more could I need?

Well, we've had a few demo surfskates in the shop for a while now. Being as I had only a theoretical understanding of which was which, we decided to get involved...

It's a hard job we have, but we do it for you.

This is not only full-on scientific research. It's the story of why I now have a surfskate in my quiver.

We didn't dress up as dinosaurs this time, but we did have loads of fun. 

Have a read, then come on over, try one for yourself. We've already taken the boards off the bottom racks just in case.
Matt @ Vandem


Carver C7 vs Carver CX vs Landyachtz Surfskate Trucks

Three different truck designs - one aim. Surfing on asphalt.

Carver C7

The original surfskate truck - featuring a pivoting arm shown here to get the board leaning over harder than anyone knew possible. The surfskate market leader for over 20 years.

Carver CX

This is Carvers updated surfskate truck - the aim was to have the same lean and turn as the original C7 whilst having the same amount of parts as a regular skateboard truck. A super well designed and refined piece of kit.

Bear Banger

The Bear Banger truck was designed by Landyachtz specifically for their surfskate range. It's essentially a regular longboard truck taken to the extreme - a 65 degree angle, lots of rake, with another 5 degrees of angle thanks to the riser pad.


So whats the best surfskate truck?

Of course, its never that easy. It depends on what you envision yourself doing with the thing. With these three options, every base is covered.

Chatting with various people involved with designing and riding these trucks, it seems that there's a spectrum of expectations when it comes to a surfskate.

Where do you fall on the scale?

On the far side, cruising in this case means skating through town from A to B - dealing with real life obstacles, varying asphalt and hills. Pumptracks, too.

At the near end, tight-turning is for those who really want to use their surfskate to get some practise for being on the water - moving your shoulders and hips through the turns to draw speed out of every section of a wave.

In the middle comes a mixture of the two - perhaps you want to get those moves working on banks or at the skatepark. You need the tight turns combined with a little more stability at speed and a solid product that won't mind being hit against the lip.

And don't worry - they all pump great!

There is a real difference in how tight you can turn on each truck, that to me highlights the differences pretty well. Check it out here:


The answers are pretty clear.

The extra pivot arm on the C7 means that it will simply lean further and harder than anything else.

If you're restricted in space, keen on skating between closely packed obstacles and happy to stay on the flat, the C7 offers a carving experience like nothing else.

But which one would we skate to the post office?

It's the Landyachtz. It's lower to the ground and more stable when the speed starts to pick up above a gentle jog. Super versatile and so super fun as a cruiser, great to pump along and feel agile in the streets - but not the tightest-turning, cutback-ripping that most people picture of a surfskate.

If you want the best of both worlds, the Carver CX is a worthy candidate. It's higher than the LY and a whole lot more tippy turny. Less suitable for your commute, perhaps, but all the more whippy for it. You can pick up speed from just one pump from standing, carve circles in any given carpark - and if you want to get slashin' in the skatepark these are the ones for you.



 Carver C7
Tight turns, lower speeds, very wobbly, great fun in the shop
Carver CX
Can rip all but the very tightest of turns, more versatile, easy to tune to your taste
Needs a few pushes to get going, then feels absolutely wonderful, functional and versatile


As you can see, there isn't a winner as such. Just pick where you want to be on the scale of tight turns vs functional cruising out in the streets and you'll find the board that suits you.

Once you have it, there is always a further degree of fine tuning possible by changing bushings.

Regular readers will know that I'm a firm believer that to improve your surfing, you're much better off:

  • Going surfing more
  • Getting fitter
  • Watching The Occumentary on repeat

Than buying a surfskate.

However, the fun you can have on a surfskate is a whole experience in itself - I'm converted. Formation flying with your friends has never felt better at walking pace. We love it.

Check out the full collection here.


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