Longboard Scene and Events, Okozo, Sale -

Saving the best for last...

We've booked the sunshine...

Have you booked your travel?

Tregz Freeride - this weekend!

This Friday night (23rd August) British downhill royalty and rabble alike will descend on an unsuspecting mid-Wales village for a weekend of traffic-free fun.

Now back for its 7th edition - no UK pure downhill event has run longer and trust me, we tried! - Brianne Collective have this event locked tight. Camping at the side of the track and a medical team on site ensure full commitment to maximum downhill (s)miles.

If you need any gear - perhaps some footbrake soles? - I can bring it along.

Just order click and collect to avoid any postage, and leave a comment that you'll be picking up at Tregz.

Bristol Board Meeting - 8th September

For the newer members of our community or anyone living under a rock for 20 years, this is the UK's most inclusive longboard/cruiser/surfskate event.

Anything from 120-300+ of us will skate the ~15 miles from Bath to Bristol in proper Board Meeting attire. It sounds a long way but with multiple hydration stops along the way and even a dip in the river for anyone who fancies it, the miles fly by.

The last mile or two from Hillfields pumptrack to Vandem is a sight to behold - hundreds of happy faces on skateboards in a line as far in front and behind as you can see!

We finish up with the raffle to end all raffles, and all money raised goes to MacMillan cancer support. Last year it was over £4500. I've got a good feeling that this year we can do even better - just wait until you see the raffle prizes!

This year Carver and Pantheon have come on board to an already stacked list of sponsors:

Thanks to each of you!

And finally...

Those Okozo backpacks we shared last week got a great response - thank you!!

This week we had some clarification on our pricing from the main man Jojo.

Turns out we jumped in right in the middle of a summer sale. It's still running until Friday 23rd, at which point we'll have to raise the prices back to their regular SRP.

In the interest of full disclosure:

Longboard bag S1: Now £130. Next week £160
Longboard bag X1: Now £157. Next week £200

Dancer bag S1: Now £140. Next week £170
Dancer bag X1: Now £166. Next week £212

It's not my intention to put the squeeze on anyone to buy now - but I'd feel worse if someone was considering it but missed the boat on the lower prices.

And with that, I'll leave you to enjoy your weekend.

Don't forget the suncream or the marshmallow top hats,
Matt @ Vandem

Downhill skateboarding is an awesome spectator sport too. If you don't fancy 40mph yourself but are intrigued to see what it looks and sounds like up close - come along!
Inspecting the prize pool - Bristol Board Meeting 2023


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