Randomness -

John Lewis Christmas Ad - Skating in the mainstream

A heartwarming tribute to the fact that

Learning to skate can be...uncomfortable.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the new John Lewis Christmas ad here: 

What's that? Me? No, no, its just... hayfever... in my eyes...

All jokes aside (and it wasn't actually a joke), what a lovely piece of work. A welcome escape from the materialistic perspective we're usually inundated with around this time of year.

Not only that, but it raises awareness for children in the care system who - I imagine - could easily feel isolated over the festive period. It also highlights the great efforts that carers and foster parents go to for their children.  And it does it with skateboards!!

The Olympics have certainly changed the perspective around our funny little hobby, and here is wonderful proof that the idea is catching on, and the fact that you're never too young or too old to get started!

However, in our opinion...

A simple call to Vandem Longboard Shop could have saved him a lot of pain!!

Just look at these rookie mistakes:

I know, I know, just last week I was telling you how good hard wheels are. But not for skating in an icy car park!

His balance would have stood a chance had he had something softer under there. All of our cruisers (aside from the Park setups) come with soft wheels as standard, and it'll make your life easier.


OK to be fair, he's nailed this bit.

I once skated a tree home for Christmas. I couldn't see where I was going and I crashed twice, arriving home with bloody palms and a dented tree. I did get a lot of Christmas love from passers-by, though.

Everyone in the skatepark gets their turn - beginners always included. Be brave and step up, everyone remembers how it was to learn to ride and they'll likely applaud your efforts.

But...skating out into a film session at peak time won't be the best way to further your learning!

This one was a bit brave! Perhaps a better location could have been found, or his partner on hand to check for cars and pedestrians. Most of all, that board looks suspiciously like one of those £11.99 Sports Direct completes, and, well, you know what we think about those.

I ended up getting so into this email that I've made a separate article on learning to skate as an adult. Have a read, or if you're a young spring chicken, send it to your mum.

As proof of my claim that we can help, I've had permission to share a lovely email that arrived in my inbox this morning:


Hi Matt, 

Seen the "new" John Lewis -Christmas TV Advert.

Made me laugh, I bought my first Longboard from Vandem 3 years ago......I'm now 60 years old

This guy was me three years ago.....recently, bought my second longboard from Vandem, Dancing Longboard ;)


Eddie's done it at age 57 and is now getting started with a dancer - there really are no excuses for the rest of us!!

But I suppose they do say, Eddie Would Go :)
Matt @ Vandem


Fresh online and more incoming in the next week or two as we find the time to take photos of them!
Slightly blemished decks are up for sale and for a great price.
Tempted by a drop-through, tantalised by a kick tail?
A blem deck will be far more scratched after just one skate - a great way to try something new without breaking the bank.

The best downhill skateboarders in the world have collected for the World Skate Games in Argentina.
Qualifying runs are happening about now, Friday 11th, 17:15 GMT
Head-to-head racing starts tomorrow, Saturday 12th at midday GMT
Tune in to the live stream via this link to see the worlds best handle this wobble across the bridge into the final corner!
Above, 2019 World Champion Harry Clarke from Get That Skate


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