Bristol Longboard Shop News, Randomness -

Happy Christmas 2022

Hopefully all your shopping's done

Because we're not going to be shipping anything else out now until the 3rd January!

And so, here we are, newsletter #52 of the year. I hope it's been as fun for you as it has for us. Last weeks dinosaur break-in was by far the most popular thing I sent...

...Leading me to believe that all these hours coming up with ideas, taking photos, drafting copy is largely pointless. You want chaos, not skateboards!!

Luckily, the two know how to mingle.

With that in mind, here are our top tips for anyone who was really hoping for something from their favourite shop, Vandem, for Christmas:

  1. Be grateful! You won't get a board next year if you don't tell Granny just how much you love your new scooter!
  2. Skillfully leave Vandem stickers (send us an SAE if you need some) in prominent places such as cars, wallets, bathroom mirrors.
  3. Walk around in a set of kneepads and a helmet until someone realises what's missing.
  4. Keep an eye on our Sale section where new bargains will be popping up shortly after New Year!

Next year we're planning more skateboarding, more silliness, more videos, more bad puns in emails, more dinosaur suit madness, more conversations with you and an equal amount of hard work in getting you the skate stuff you need, in good time, with a smile. If you want to see anything else, you can let me know any time at my name - matt -

For now though, this is a time of reflection and gratitude, taking place with a Lemsip from inside a blanket.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone reading, for all the replies, the phone calls and the stoke levels. We wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year,
Matt, Rich and Rob @ Vandem


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