Bristol Longboard Shop News, New Skate Product, Sabre Trucks -

Back by popular demand...

You can't rush art.

OK, I did rush this editing and I wouldn't necessarily call it art...

But the point stands!

And carving is an art form.

You can't necessarily expect it to be perfect straight out the box, and that's ok. That's what makes it feel so good in the long run.

With such a positive response to our new campaign of tailoring every complete to it's new rider (I can't believe we even used to send out stock bushing setups...) we have had a wave of interest in bushings in general.

And so, here they are:
We've got:
  • Boxes (20 bushings + washers)
  • Service boxes (40 bushings + washers, nuts, pivot cups...)
Choose Longboard boxes for RKP trucks, Cruiser boxes for TKPs.

With this amount of goodness inside, you'll have everything you need to set up your trucks to feel exactly as you have always imagined.

It may take a few attempts - and that's a good thing.

And if this is all a bit confusing, allow Danielle to show you just how easy it is to customise your ride:

Two last details on these:

1. We've got a MEGA BOX in the works. Would you like to see that include both the RKP and TKP bushings, or rather extra value in terms of a few sets of bolts and bearings on top of even more bushings?

2. If you've got a lead for some slightly less plastic boxes that would fit the bushings, we'd be super stoked to hear from you.

I'm off to Freiburg tonight - next weeks blogpost in postcard format.
Matt @ Vandem


Hours of fun, in a box. A great Christmas present to a longboarding loved one, or indeed to yourself.

1 comment

  • I highly recommend Sabre bushings, especially the set’s. I’m using them on my Pantheon Trip and Supersonic. Barells seems to be taller than an Venom barell and I think it gives you bit more rebound ( more mass to resist/rebound the weight and pressure from the rider) For me those are similar to RipTides Sports bushings but Saber’s are alot cheaper and Available In UK. 😉

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