Lush Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

Single longboard seeks companion

Slide to the left...

Slide to the right...

Criss cross!

How low can you go?

For a quality board designed with care, I would say about £160.

Yes, the Lush Legend has just been put on sale.

The price is now comparable to it's mass-produced, short-lived, no-fun contemporaries.

If you've ever been remotely tempted by some fancy footwork, there's no better time to get involved.

Cha Cha real smooth,
Matt @ Vandem

Team rider @jooz_vandem_hughes showing Weston just a few things from his deep bag of tricks.
The Legend stands apart from other dancing boards (even good ones) in that it has steep, functional kicktails. Why? This is why!


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