Bristol Longboard Shop News, Competition time, Randomness -

Review contest and Movember

Now I come to writing this

The Movember concept does seem quite funny, really.

"Men, do nothing. In fact, do less than you normally might each morning, and ask people to give you money for the trouble"

I'm pretty sure it was a man who came up with it.

Nonetheless, it's for a good cause and Rich shaved off a decade old beard for this! So if you're in a position to do so, consider donating something to Movember either via our page or anyone else's that you know is making the effort.

Now, on to what you're actually interested in...

We're giving away a Lush Longboards deck of your choice!

We got a hell of a review last week - and our 500th, no less:

 "Five stars for these shredmasters. These guys know what's what when it comes to all things skate.

Not only that they are really enthusiastic and genuinely stoked on getting you stoked.

If I had daughters I'd let them marry them and then give them a a silky smooth bowl to skate as a wedding present"


Blimey. Scroll up... look at us... Our service must be really good if he'd let his hypothetical daughters anywhere near us...!!

The point is, this made us laugh so much in the shop that we decided we want some more of it to get us through the winter.

To win the Lush deck:

- Leave a review for our business or a product that you've bought from us - including a photo

- The one that makes us laugh the most wins the deck

- The contest is open now (18th November) and runs until New Year

- Winner will be notified by email to choose their prize

How to leave a review:

- Click the link above to review us as a shop on Google


- Scroll through your emails to find the product review request and click on it!

Any questions, email us here at the shop!

Shop hours next week

The tools are coming out... we've got some improvements we want to make, so next week (21st - 25th Nov) the physical shop will be closed.

We're shipping orders as normal and you can come by for click and collect - just be aware it's going to be a bit of a mess!!

And with that I'll leave you to flex your creative writing skills. I'll be by the fire, knitting some socks, waiting in anticipation of the collective randomness to roll in,
Matt @ Vandem

 Fancy one of these? Check out the range of prizes on offer - any Lush deck that's in stock from their range of cruisers and longboards could be yours!


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