Bristol Longboard Shop News, New Skate Product, Surfskate, YOW -

A True Advent Surprise!

A Christmas miracle!

  • Is Josh tiny?
  • Are Lucy's socks massive?
  • Is Rich very clever with a camera?
  • Or is this just a really roundabout way of introducing you to our newest member of staff at Vandem?


And what a job to ease him in - assembling the first Loaded Tangent CX Surfskate to go out in the UK. We both double-checked exactly what we were doing with the bushing setup with this one.

Otherwise, we started with some less important tasks...

Shipping orders, chatting to customers, stock checking.

But next week we'll start on the really important stuff: our surfskates aren't gonna set themselves up for indoor winter skating.


Talking of which, after multiple requests we're currently in the process of getting YOW surfskates into the shop, just in time for Christmas.

We've got the first wave* online - please forgive the stock descriptions which I'll be updating in due time.


The YOW Meraki truck system is closer in feel to a Carver C7 than a CX - a double axis front truck that demands solid front foot placement.

Get it wrong and it'll turn itself upside-down... get it right, you'll be flying down an imaginary pointbreak before you can say "woopow!".

Much more to come on these.

For now: batten down the hatches!
Matt @ Vandem

*pun intended

This is the one I saw going oververt in Taghazout.
And I do approve of proper griptape on any skateboard.


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